A document will helps you and others better understands your code. 文档会帮助代码的开发,完善以及协作。 我们可以参考 request 库的文档,以及 github 源码。
除了了解rst的语法格式,一个好的函数文档开需要了解其规范和要求。 可以参考Google的函数文档 范例 。
def module_level_function(param1, param2=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is an example of a module level function.
Function parameters should be documented in the ``Args`` section. The name
of each parameter is required. The type and description of each parameter
is optional, but should be included if not obvious.
If \*args or \*\*kwargs are accepted,
they should be listed as ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``.
The format for a parameter is::
name (type): description
The description may span multiple lines. Following
lines should be indented. The "(type)" is optional.
Multiple paragraphs are supported in parameter
param1 (int): The first parameter.
param2 (:obj:`str`, optional): The second parameter. Defaults to None.
Second line of description should be indented.
*args: Variable length argument list.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.
bool: True if successful, False otherwise.
The return type is optional and may be specified at the beginning of
the ``Returns`` section followed by a colon.
The ``Returns`` section may span multiple lines and paragraphs.
Following lines should be indented to match the first line.
The ``Returns`` section supports any reStructuredText formatting,
including literal blocks::
'param1': param1,
'param2': param2
AttributeError: The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions
that are relevant to the interface.
ValueError: If `param2` is equal to `param1`.
if param1 == param2:
raise ValueError('param1 may not be equal to param2')
return True
.. autofunction:: baseq.bam.BAMTYPE
Barcode split into 16 files according to the valid barcode in the bcstats files.
#. Determine whether the last base mutates;
#. Filter by whitelist;
:param protocol: 10X/Dropseq/inDrop.
:param name: barcode_count.
:param bcstats: Valid Barcode.
:param output: (./bc_stats.txt)
The splitted reads will be write to XXXX/split.AA.fa